Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Awwww, how cute!

On Monday, we were just about to start the roll, when we noticed Vision arriving late. Surprisingly, there in Vision's arms was a cute little fluffy bundle. Whaea Katie couldn't believe her eyes! She had to blink a few times before realising the bundle was moving! All of Room 2 waited quietly on the mat for Vision to get closer.

“Hello you and you,” said Whaea Katie.
The whole class starred at the cute little bundle of fur and realised she was holding a puppy!

Vision told us that her dog Brandy had puppies a few weeks ago. Vision, Rhythm (her little sister), Jason (her little brother) and her father and mother, brought the puppies into see their classes for a short visit.

Vision explained that the puppy didn't have a name yet. We suggested that she call him 'Pupsy' in the mean time.

Thank you Vision for bringing your puppy in to meet us!

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